Liana and Jason's journey didn't have an ordinary beginning, but it certainly resulted in a what was a uniquely beautiful marriage. Joyous onlookers from all over the country gathered in Longmont, CO to witness their amazing story reach its peak at the alter. While Jason and Liana's loving smiles radiated throughout the room, close friends and family members took turns telling the audience about the happy couple from their perspective. The common theme; Jason and Liana are an unstoppable duo that can truly overcome anything that life puts in their way - because they already have. As the evening progressed, happy tears turned to dancing feet, and there wasn't a single inch of dance floor that wasn't occupied for the remainder of the night. Jason and Liana's wedding was special for a lot of reasons, but one that truly tops the list, is that they weren't just celebrating themselves. They were celebrating the life they've created with each other, and those in their life that make it worth living. Congrats to the happy couple.